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This strain of dragon tree ManDaManSuan only a few hundred years old, with hibiscus trees are not comparable. Is a bit strange ah - fat birds are satisfied, bored, wandering around the flames circle around the tree. Small Yoshiko also spread out the cobwebs, the dragon tree hooded, and soon discovered ugg baratas exception: dragon tree below, tangled roots, wrapped in a bright red ball, about ten feet in diameter, the surface stretched a shrink, as pulsation. Seems to be a freak ! Small Yoshiko scratched Jarhead, grumbling loudly. This ball breath entirely consistent with the dragon tree, if not deliberately use the spiritual knowledge view, really can not be found.

Yoshiko little more cautious attitude, but it reveals a strange thing, ugg outlet cobwebs can not go deep into the ball inside, if true pop monster, would not be in trouble. This guy abruptly, small Yoshiko want to stop but it was too late, I saw black red ball of fire into the surface, immediately red Sheng, a few red balls vibrate rapidly, even with flames above the branches of the flurry, leaves Wow Wow. Fat birds at once more exciting, a pick one, inside the belly of stock Wangchu toss. Has long been a red dragon tree shrouded, from afar, like fire tree similar ; Meanwhile, gold Valley had a quiet aura were all restless, tide, Xianghuo Nagarjuna rushes, such as the potential long whale absorbent.

Obviously, the red ball among pregnant with an unknown life, and certainly very powerful, freak out if a monster inside, that is dangerous. See more exciting spit fat Torigoe, small Yoshiko simply direct grabbed the neck of this cargo, Biede fat birds out of both nostrils smoke, Guaishengguaiqi coach bags whining forward to small Yoshiko familiarity of ugg online, of course, listening to them is the classic phrase disgraceful ah -. Although fat birds do not spit, but that did not stop the red ball to absorb the aura, but has gained momentum.

