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Others have been locked up. But Chu Tianming did not, he found a corner here just as he did before the speculation, only a hundred meters in diameter, in more than one thousand meters above him, the bottom layer is a puppet, separated by a thousand meters, Chu Tianming can clearly hear iPod Cases beat rock to the sound emitted by the hands of the tool. iPhone 5S Cases Here digging better. Chu Tianming crouch. Squatting on the corner. Brachypodium is a two-edged ax in his hand, the product is a fairy device.

Can not be used to mining, Chu Tianming had to come up with the goods Zhebing level ax cents devices, or can be used at least Cases of mining. If people are aware Chu Tianming days underwater in goods edged fairy is holding in mining. But also shake their heads, it is estimated to be iPhone 5S Cases alive mad. The flowers can be said in a fairy -day existence is paramount, even if it is like this super -day underwater forces. Miyaji has only three cents devices, but also beneath contempt for. But it tookgoods edged fairy is here in mining, but also the quality of straight sigh cents is high enough, this is simply Senluo day for all residents of malicious slander.

Rock in front of fragmentation. Chu Tianming an ax punched a basin -sized potholes, Seeing, Chu Tianming has not only discouraged, but also very happy. iPhone 5S Cases When I glanced down those puppets excavation progress can only be found in iPhone 5S Cases a draft down the size of the holes punched a glass of it, and now own an ax to go directly punched a basin -sized potholes, which iPhone 5S Cases pleased to be able to keep it! Enthusiasm high,a pick ax an ax to split again and again in front of the rock, accompanied by the sound of the cries of the collision, iPhone 5S Cases rock in front of constantly falling off, and soon there was a more than one meter in diameter channels.The yuan beads above the stones stripped, exposing a round yo beads, beads dark, there are seven golden lines above. Chu Tianming surprised. I did not expect this depth could have dug up seven yuan beads, are so high yields of large veins ? Chu Tianming heart doubts, before those who remember iPhone 5S Cases iPhone 5S Cases Introduction to the veins, tell iPhone 5S Cases small veins mined up to six yuan beads already are top days, most of the small veins mined only five yuan beads, and small veins the depth is in the ten thousand meters under the ground.

